Professional and Career Coaching
I offer Professional and Career Coaching to business professionals and/or their management teams. Whether you want to refine your career direction, embark on a whole new direction, receive leadership mentoring or resolve workplace issues; then Professional and Career Coaching will provide you with a sounding board to discuss your options, and support you to develop a plan that will work for you.
Professional and Career Coaching is also an option for business owners or managers who want to support their staff to manage any workplace stress or conflict, regardless of whether it’s brought about by the work environment or a personal issue. If an employee is not performing well it can affect the performance and productivity of the whole team. Professional and Career Coaching will help you or your team member to develop a career plan, resolve career-related issues, or maybe you just want some independent un-biased feedback on a particular situation.
There is no typical session outline; as everyone presents with a unique situation and will have their own objectives and expectations. Sessions are completely flexible in terms of content and will respond to your specific needs. Each session is one hour, and we would typically meet weekly or fortnightly.
The number of sessions required depends on your situation, goals and requirements. For best results I recommend you commit to three sessions initially, this will allow sufficient time to implement new actions or behaviours, and to refine the plan as required.
To make an appointment; or for details on pricing, including session packages go to Fees and Prices or Email: info@evanscoaching.co.nz Text or Call: +64 (0)22 108 3319
Free Explore Coaching Session
It’s important you have confidence that coaching will help you with your situation.
I offer a free 30 minute explore coaching session so together we can discuss how the coaching process could support you to achieve your goals.