Fees and Prices
Fees for services vary according to which type of coaching service you require and your particular situation. Some specialised services will require an individual quote, which I am happy to provide free of charge. I encourage you to take advantage of my free 30 minute explore coaching session so together we can discuss how the coaching process could support you to achieve your goals. Leone Evans Coaching is based in Canterbury.
As a guide the following is provided (note that all prices are in New Zealand dollars with Goods and Services Tax applied at the rate of 15%):
Single 1 hour sessions range in price from $100.00 + GST to $115.00 + GST
For Pre-paid Packages of 3 sessions or more; a discount is applied to each 1 hour session which are now from $91.30 + GST to $105.00 + GST
Training workshops are quoted according to the content required – please contact me to discuss your requirements
Mileage is at no charge up to a 60km round trip from Kaiapoi North Canterbury; thereafter the current IRD Mileage Rate will apply.
Sessions can be in-person (at your place or mine, or as agreed), or by Zoom or telephone.
Email for more information: info@evanscoaching.co.nz​ Text or Call: +64 (0)22 108 3319
Free Explore Coaching Session
It’s important you have confidence that coaching will help you with your situation.
I offer a free 30 minute explore coaching session so together we can discuss how the coaching process could support you to achieve your goals.